Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Darling Harbour

Norma and I have spent the last couple of days at Darling Harbour in Sydney. A great feature of the precinct is the National Maritime Museum where (among many other vessels) is this brilliant replica of HMB Endeavour in which James Cook discovered and mapped the east coast of Australia. Curiously this ship contains a small number of artefacts from the original vessel but that is a whole different story

Please forgive my absence over the last 48 hours or so. I shall be catching up with Blip matters tomorrow morning, given half a chance. We had a wonderful time "in town" and I am determined to visit more often in future. The inner city precinct is  a fathomless pit of interesting blips.

Incidentally I would normally have pitched the camera angle a little higher but I couldn't resist including more of that lovely water texture and that wonderful foreground jetty post. That FZ200 certainly is a handy "walk around" vacation tool.

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