Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Blip Olympian

Feel like I've won a gold medal - 365 consecutive blips. Not actually a competitive sport of course, just the opposite; blip photo is all about collaboration and supporting each other, which is one of the things I love about it.

I can't believe I've been doing this for a whole year; a life changing experience. I have seen some amazing images from other members of this community and it has been both humbling and inspiring.

I'm at times introspective and extrovert and I think the fact that no two days in my small but mostly happy life are the same really comes through. Working in the NHS has been difficult over the last year and I'm sorry if this sometimes bores; but my children, my family and friends and the love of my life, The Soul Mate, more than compensate. In Blip BAFTA style I'd like to thank them all for their tolerance and support of this obsessional hobby, and TSM for her creative ideas. To Top Gun (formerly the smiling giant), The Girl Racer and The Dizzle - you are amazing. I love you all so much.

I also need to thank my mother, the Aged P. There is a regular theme to this journal; her ageing, her nobility, her memory loss, her eccentricities. I think my images of her are perhaps the most amusing and poignant by turns. Very glad to capture her 90th birthday in April as part of this journal.

Probably should thank the cats too ... particularly fat boy who yet again has sneaked into the picture. He loves company.

Thanks also to regular commentators, especially the incredible Shaaamie who always seems to find the time to look in, and all those who follow me on Facebook, particularly the YogaMama; so glad my words and pictures bring something to your life. And special thanks too to Mrs St Roud for letting me blip her so often, including once as a giant cigarette ...

Lastly thanks to those guys in Scotland for setting up the site. You have touched so many lives around the world ... all those connections you've made possible .... all those amazing words and pictures ... wow ....

Blip photo has made me a better person. Have to say it. The unique link between the candid journal and the single image is powerful stuff. I have to keep going ... And I really hope that my photographic skills and my use of the written word develop as I carry on this journey. There are things I love - London, theatre, walking in the country - they will remain a part of the experience.

Gotta finish on the high note. Love conquers call. Check it out.

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