Worked hard today..

I measured four 30 foot lines this morning, tying the ends to bamboo canes. I had always been upset by last years sowings, the rows were not parallel, as you can see by the remaining brassica plants.

So this year I was going to avoid that by measuring it out properly. I chose 30 foot, because that will be the length of the rows of brassicas, sowing a tray of 15 at 2 foot spacings. But when I measured the left side in this picture, I had to reduce the length by 2 foot to split it into quarters. So starting at the gate, there are four equal sized areas coming up the side of the track marked out with canes. I then went along the beach side using the same measures, to create another four plots. By using two lines on corners, I could then find the fourth corner where they met.

I've ended up with four plots within the larger plot used in the four year rotation (the fourth year is just below where I'm taking the shot and out of picture).

Things to note. The plots are not square. They take the angle of the beach road and croft fence to form a diamond shape. I have some areas outside of these, a triangle nearest me, an oblong on the far right, and an odd shape just below the rushes. These will be used for crops outside the rotations, courgettes, pumpkins, schorzonera, salsify, etc.

Now I have these marked out, it should be easier to work the separate sections. I've raked, and sown the nearest left plot, and sown 24 rows of salad crops, mizuna, mibuna, mustards, etc. Two plots towards the gate I've raked and sown 8 rows of broad beans, and peas. The darker area on the far right is raked and sown to 12 rows of parsnips and 4 of beetroot.

I think that's enough for today, as we've got the egg run tonight as well..

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