Living by the clock
Not something I did much of today. TallGirl had no school today - instead it was the termly day for parents to go in and queue endlessly to pick up their kid's report card. I had told her that we would go in at 8.30am when I take CarbBoy and neighbour-boy to school, but I couldn't bring myself to wake her up early, so we went in mid-morning instead.
As usual I only went to see the teachers in subjects where her marks were either not great or had dipped since last term. And as usual I was treated with respectful incredulity as to why I had bothered coming in. She's fine, turns out. I guess grade inflation hasn't reached our school yet.
Then some shopping, with TallGirl's head completely turned by the local organic supermarket: "Look, you can buy cereal from these huge tubs, just as much as you choose!" I was mainly delighted to find the pomegranates I needed for tonight's feast (again from the chicken book) and amazed to find some fresh turmeric, which I don't think I'd ever seen before anywhere.
After a fight with CarbBoy over strawberries (that boy is very fruit resistant) I felt I deserved a little sit outside with my book. Which turned out to take most of the afternoon. A little gardening, and then a lot of feast-making. I have finally, after years of searching, found Mr B's limit: a 3-person serving of Chicken Fatteh (or 'Fatty Chicken' as it has now been christened round here) and he declared himself "too full".
With CarbBoy's basketball match cancelled (the other team have forfeited the match and, it seems rather oddly, the season), tomorrow is looking like a logistically easier day. I am, accordingly, planning to spend this evening ignoring the ironing.
Is it just me, or does it seem a little early for dandelion clocks?
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