Relay Mayhem

Relay day is always a test of patience and concentration. Everyone arrives at the event in a small time frame. Narrow roads and only one way into the car park led to huge tail backs and the starts were duly delayed.

Eventually we got underway and my all women team was competing in the Ultra Vet class. I thought I had blown our chances when I made a silly error towards the end. But good runs from my fellow team members pulled us back into contention.

This is two members of the same club on our course fighting to punch the finish. I was stunned to see the ensuing battle to punch first to gain the best position. No quarter was given! The trestle was sent flying and had to be rescued. This was to no avail as the gentlemans team had been disqualified on an earlier leg!

We thought we were 4th the worst place to be..... However when the results were confirmed we won the bronze. Another first as I have never medaled at the JK.

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