33 years on...

So Lampis and I (Lampis on the left) were at university in Brussels together 33 years ago. We reconnected, inevitably, of course, via Facebook, although there have been one or two emails exchanged over the previous 30 years. Yes, I know it's a slightly dodgy quality picture, but when you get together with someone after such a long time, then you are permitted to make do with any picture you like.

Lots of things came out today. That yet another person from my youth seems to remember me as rather gauche and making odd and strangely memorable comments - including one about laundry that I'd completely forgotten. That our lingua franca was - of course - French, and not English, although we spoke English this evening. Lampis was just as lovely as I remembered him as being, and his wife, Gelly, was also a delightful person. Quite a remarkable evening all told, and one I hope we will repeat, as their sons currently live in Edinburgh. And, of course, being hospitable people they invited us to Greece, and that's not an invitation you should turn down lightly.

And, if you are reading this, Lampis, then please know this. On the way home in the taxi I remembered that it was M. Gerrard who wanted to give me a crap mark in the oral exam for the course on Environnement, Consommateurs, etc. And whom I argued up, not wanting him to ruin my straight run of top marks. How could I have forgotten? An ace pedant.

Well, it was an evening full of memories. And excellent food and drink at the Atelier.

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