Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Follow up

A while back I blipped about Mike: Here.  At that time he was scheduled for an operation to remove several tumors.  I was pleased to run into him this afternoon. We sat and talked about his surgery and caught up on other things, too. He's pleased with how the doctor handled everything, especially the removal of the tumor on his face.  He told me he's still healing and has 150 stiches in his abdominal region, where the doctor also removed a large growth. 

Mike generally sits on a bench near a Starbucks (he loves to get a coffee when he can) and he laughed about how his surgeon gets his coffee from the same Starbucks.  "Guess I can have my follow up visits and a coffee at the same time!" he chuckled. 

Today was an odd day as I had long conversations with four different homeless folks, each with their own story.  Two of them I knew from previous encounters, and two were new faces for me.  I had given one man a few dollars and then was humbled as I watched him give that money to another homeless man a few minutes later.  Being able to give to others is a gift. Not just money, but whatever good we have to offer. 

It's the weekend and I'm pretty jazzed about that - I hope to get out on the water tomorrow with my kayak.

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