She Smiled at me on the Subway....

Why do things happen?

These feathers wanted to be with me.

I've had them in my bag for over a week now, and I should have set them free, but I think they wanted to be with me until I was ready to let them go.

One appeared on Tuesday last week. It floated along the pavement outside my window at work, and settled clumsily on the space right beside me. A little breeze would lift it and whirl it around a wee bit, but it stayed within the same space. I knew that I had to go and pick it up.

Two days later another feather did the same thing. And I watched it and smiled as it waved to me. I could almost hear it say, "Come and Get me". I waited for over half an hour and it was still there, and I was convinced. So I went and collected her too.

A third one appeared the next day and she went in my bag too - now either she is meant to stay with me, and is hiding, or she left before I noticed.

Why am I so ready to believe that objects, which most people perceive as inanimate are communicating with me? Why did I feel the urge to hold on to these little feathers? Why was I happy to settle for finding two tonight, and be satisfied that the third one is either hiding in my bag to stay with me, or has done her job and left?

I have no idea, but I know I am a wee bit mad.

But thank you for your time little feathers. I enjoyed your company

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