Life through the lens...

By ValC

Many hands make light work!

A busy day!

Managed to get the ironing finished.
MrC took all the garden rubbish to the tip. (Sorry it's now the recycling centre)
Made asparagus soup for lunch. Very yummy!
Then we had a ton of pebbles delivered. (20mm quartz gravel)
MrC and I started shovelling them into buckets and then through the gate, down two steps and tipped onto the garden.Ten buckets, a sit down,cup of tea, and help arrived!
Our eldest grandson,(the one in the photo with the bucket)and his dad arrived, and they had it finished in no time!
(My other half in photo stood with the rake!)
Just one problem, we could do with a few more! So might just buy a couple of small bags to finish off a bit by the hedge.

Still no rain here.Very hot and muggy!
The weather man says it will come tomorrow. We need it to wash the pebbles!

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