Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Layers of stone

Decided not to go to the gym this morning after the weekend’s activities. Tried to get hold of the garage door company and the holiday company for J’s 40th birthday trip in a couple of years’ time. Seems there is a bank holiday thing on in the country. Came home to sort a few things out before going to the Tri club for swim training.
I have managed to get about ⅓ of the stroke correct apparently. Arm entry into the water is good but my stroke after that was no good and Kirsten decided to change it tonight. Feels very weird but I suppose that is point. Need to practice on Wednesday.

This week’s theme is Layers, so here is a section of our garden wall. Over the years the water has worked its way into the cracks and caused the stone to crumble in layers. It looks good but might have to be filled in soon to prevent any more damage.

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