Take it on the chin

The sunseeker queen managed to get her fill this morning. It's a lovely spring day, finally! We're down to just a couple of snow piles, but everything is still just brown.

I went to bed a bit stiff from an afternoon of taking photos at a school production where one of my painting mates teaches art. She used money received from a Massachusetts Cultural Grant to purchase supplies and create a painting school day apprenticeship program. Her older art students (10-12 year olds) painted on canvasses she had started. The finished works became part of a multi-media presentation with poetry and choral music. It was wonderful.

Then T and I spent the rest of the afternoon with the twin great nephews, more photos and lots of wiggling and giggling around at their level. My arthritic hips and knees had a workout! We helped feed the boys and enjoyed some Chinese take out when their dad came home. It was a full and delightful day.

For the Record, 
This day came in warm and windy, a lovely spring day.

All hands healing.

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