
By ShelleyAdamElla

Park run

We went with Adam to do the park run this morning.  I got this photo of Ella playing with a swing (pushing it), just before the camera ran out of battery.  I really like it.  It was really cold, compared to the last few days.  Think because of the wind.  We came home via a few shops and went out in the gardens for a bit so Ella could have some nappy off time; I'm desperately trying to dry out the spots in her nappy line before Monday!  Thought it was worth a  go! She managed to wee in her wellies and then on the kitchen floor.  Great. Definitely no where near ready for potty training.  Ella napped and Ad and I did some gardening and other jobs.  I flaked out in the sun room.  E up in time for the Grand National; forgot to have a bet.  Playing nicely in her tent with me until bedtime.
E seems fine with the pox, I'm thinking that she's just been really lucky to get it mildly.  Only has about 20-30 spots in total.  She's starting to itch a bit now though, poor thing. 

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