Moon Cactus

The official name of this grafted Cactus is Gymnocalycium mihanovichii friedrichii.  I personally like the more common name of "Moon Cactus".  Since I waited until 9:30 this evening to take my daily photo, I thought it fitting that I post a picture of the moon cactus.  This plant was actually a gift from our local garden center to my granddaughter, Moira.  She showed such an interest in learning about flowers and plants when we were there several weeks ago, the owner graciously took  the time to answer all her  questions.  When we were ready to check out, Moira proudly showed me her gift of this beautiful moon cactus from the owner.   Pink is her favorite color.  She was so excited about this cactus.   Everyday she goes out on the patio to check to see if it needs water.  Thankfully she now understands that watering plants with pool water is not a good idea!  Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday tomorrow.

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