1-2-3 Segway

The customary Saturday walk into town revealed a segway demonstration in Mote Park. The Park has plans to introduce some new attractions, including riding a segway and possibly an Adventure Golf course -  a sort of rambo style crazy golf.

These people seem to be having a good time but I'm not sure whether I'm totally in support of the idea. I think the park should be for walking and cycling not for powered vehicles. We get enough cars driving into the Park for various reasons, some when they shouldn't be. And I'm not sure you get much exercise on a segway.

The afternoon was spent over in Tunbridge Wells, refereeing my last game of the season. A good game, 45-29 to the home team. So the boots are put away for another season but I'm pleased I've managed three consecutive games without ill effect and am looking forward with renewed enthusiasm to next season.

We both had a bet on the National, but neither of us got a place. Never mind, can't win 'em all. A very nice Saturday evening ensued.

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