
By HowWonderful

Today I turned nine months old

Nine months! That's almost as long as I was growing in Mummy's tummy!
I am such a determined, happy little man. I know what I want now and I make sure Mummy and Daddy know it...especially when it comes to food! I am almost walking and I am getting much better at standing up by myself without holding on to anything. I have four front teeth now and my hair is growing rapidly. I can say lots of new sounds now, including Mumma and Apa (which means Jasper) and I dance at every opportunity. My favourite toy is my big truck and I love to look at books.
I've been a bit poorly this month with bronchialitis and even had an afternoon in hospital whilst they monitored my breathing. I am much better now but still quite wheezy so I have to use an inhaler.
We had a lovely holiday down the coast with our friends and Mummy and I are off to the UK to visit our family soon, can't wait!

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