Feet up!

Once again I am incapable of movement! They say running is good for you, but I'm beginning to question this fact!!! I dragged myself around 16.6 miles this morning. My first 8 miles were uphill into the wind. Then my Garmin must have gone dotty, because it was telling me I'd done 9 miles when I thought I should be at 11ish. I got quite demoralised, until I spotted GravyC running up the hill to meet me. He encouraged me through the last 3 miles or so, then Noo soaked my feet in a bucket of cold water. My mother in law fed me a roast chicken dinner, and I'm almost feeling human again.....

Good news: I wore old trainers (old style not worn out) and my feet are not feeling crippled like last week. (My hamstrings are not too happy!) It was a bit like running in slippers!!!

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