4 Degrees See

4 degrees See

I am going to have to get my curls fluffed a bit ‘Cos it was a bit chilly this morning and altho the morning was full of hope and sunshine, reality did set in later as both Cycling Granys and The Boss’s phones both promised.

The Boss says he can just remember when you sat glued to the TV every evening to watch the weather for the whole country like it was some sort of magic revelation and a source of discussion for the rest of the evening. Now you just glance at your phone, anytime, and it will give you an hour by hour blow by blow, sadly without the oft discussed “Weather Girl”  (or bloke depending on the network) but probably a lot more accurate than a prediction the night before. The Bossess loves watching the weather on the very rare nights she watches broadcast TV at all but The Boss says it is a genetic thing as her father was an “Old Salt” who was the engineer on boats some years ago when steam was king and cannot reset himself to modern methods, so enjoys the noisy repartee he has nightly with the TV set as he points out the error of it’s ways.
The Boss just grinds his teeth…I can hear him. ME I don’t care at all. Weather happens and I trust The Boss not to take me out in the inclement stuff.   

This was the “situation” about 4 pm today viewed in Stunning Dogachrome.  Notice to Blippers heading this way.. It is a light fall and will mostly be gone when you get here but does add to the landscape view lots.  Maybe bring a jersey. (The wooly thing not the Cow) 


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