Beena Jones

By RhianJones

Back again.

I'm back.

Cant say how long for, but I am at least here today.

Life has become busy and stressful, I suppose that's what's meant to happen as you get older though, but it's tough. As well as all the social politics of life as a 20 something whose main interests include drinking cheap wine and watching coach trip, a build up of course work means procrastination levels are at an all time high.

Rally planning is also underway, I'm getting way too worked up over it and stressing to the max about how it's going to turn out. The nightmares started last week.

Realistically I know it will all work out and be fine in the end, but I really don't want to mess this up for BUGS, especially as the club is getting bigger and more known.

But today I shall be hiding away in the house. Hiding from any forms of life and all of my responsibilities until guides tonight. I've neglected my bed for a while so, we've got some catching up to do!

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