snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie

Playing ball

I know, I know, another dog blip. It was really dark this morning so the camera had to use a high noise setting - makes for very blocky images. Still, i am not about to buy another camera or take the GX10 out when I am barely awake, so it will have to do.

Pippi is not all that interested in balls, but when, like this morning, there is noone else in the park, well, a ball will do.

Now I say not all that interested and that's not totally true - she does like chasing dogs, or balls and bottles (and will sometimes bark in expectation, one of the rare times she barks). She doesnt particularly care all that much for bringing them back for the next round, and drops them quite quickly at random places. One day 2 weeks ago she met and played with a ball-obsessed dog, and that day she suddenly carried her own ball a lot more, even proudly carrying it part of the way back home (until she realised it prevented her from snatching bits of pizza crust, which was the main reason i was happy to let her keep that ball)

dogs offer endless excuses for absurd silliness.
Conversation last night in the curious household:

Me: Looking at this page listing which fish is safe and ok to buy and which is overfished and endangered. Can't buy anything from the standard supermarket selection it seems. Even scallops...
-pippi whines-
Robb: why are you whining? you're not endangered... or are you a scallop? are you a scallop?
Me: you're weird
-humans back staring at their screens each-
-pippi shuffles about-
Robb: i think she's still wondering whether she is a scallop
Me: great, now I have a neurotic dog worried she might be a scallop
Robb: a very furry scallop, the other scallops will make fun of her
-pippi enjoys the attention-
Me: I wonder what faces they would do in the park if when they ask me what the dog is I told them she was a scallop.

we somehow returned to the scallop theme over and over that evening

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