The Three Trees

11.3C with a bright morning, turning cloudy in the early afternoon. Showers forecast. Wind to 20 mph with gusts to 36 mph through the afternoon.

This shot taken just after 7am when Maeve the Deerhound and I went out. I thought it best to get a picture in case the rest of the day didn't allow me to get another chance. My favourite view of the three trees with the sea beyond will have to serve as my offering for MonoMonday on the elemental theme of water hosted by notowennewitt.

The central heating engineer came back late this morning and replaced the thermocouple and the pump valves on our ancient boiler and completed the annual service work. All up and running and no need for the appointment on Thursday now.

Maeve and I went for our walk after lunch. We went up to the church then continued out along the country road to Scryne. We turned right at Craigmill farm and went down the track to the shore. We came back along the cycle path and round in a long loop, heading into Carnoustie then up the main road before turning along for home.

This afternoon a surveyor from Scottish/British Gas came and tried to give me an estimate for a new boiler.
I say tried, because it was his first day out on his own and it took way too long and he seemed very unconvincingly unsure. I wanted him to recommend a boiler type best suited to us and even that seemed beyond him. Any solution he offered was after lots of prompting from me and each one seemed over complicated. When he finally printed a quote it had the name and address of a customer from earlier in the day on it. I finally had to ask him to let me continue with what was left of my afternoon and send on his quote by email at which point he packed up very quickly and scuttled off looking very sheepish. How we might proceed I am not sure at the moment. I don't think we could trust his quote. Very disappointing and confusing.

DMC-LX7 f/2.8 1/1300 sec. ISO-80 18mm

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