I always seem to forget the various challenges, so last week I put a reminder on my calendar for today so here is my take on Mono Monday : Water.

I am having problems with my Macbook and Airdrop at the moment, so although I had taken a photograph of a stacked fountain in our town centre, for some reason the photograph won't "jump over" so here is one I took earlier.

Before I went out this morning, I lifted the drain lid for our waste outlet and found this large spider - and then got Mr. HCB to turn on the tap, so the water was gushing out.  I  then "tarted it up" - a technical term, you understand (!) with my Picturesque app and here it is.

Please note that only a small amount of water was wasted and the spider was not harmed in the taking of this photograph.

We never know the worth of water
till the well is dry.
Thomas Fuller
I have recently updated my iPhotos app on my Macbook to the new Photos app and it is driving me crazy - is anyone else have problems or is it just me?

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