Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Gossiping Over Lunch

Frieda Finch:  Did you know that Gordie Goldfinfinch is having an affair?"

Quinci Quail:  "Oh, my!  Does Gerry know?"

Frieda Finch:  "Clueless!  I think Carrie Cardinal has her eye on her Pilates instructor, too. That slimy Oriole, Oren.  Have you seen how she flirts with him after class?"

Quinci Quail:  "It's disgraceful. A mother of three behaving like such a teenager.  I think Zippy's got a girlfriend, too."

Frieda Finch:  "I thought I saw him with Zelda at the feeder but I'm really not sure if they're dating.  I wouldn't jump to conclusions.  How is your mother-in-law these days?"

Quinci Quail:  "Still bat-shit crazy!  She keeps pressuring me to have sixteen  kids this year and I only want twelve.  I'm going to be screaming for that epidural before  I go into labor!  I wish Quentin would stand up to her but he's a limp noodle when it comes to his Mama."

Frieda Finch:  "Thank God I get along with mine.  All I can handle is about six chicks at a time. Fred better help out this year.  He's supposed to be my nesting partner.  He'd better do more than nest or he's out on his hind feathers!"

Quinci Quail:  "We should get together for lunch like this more often!"

Frieda Finch:  "Absolutely!  It's been great.  It will be tough, though.  It's hard to get this table without the men always at it. I hear them coming now."

Quinci Quail:  "We'll soon have the little ones keeping us busy, anyway. I've got to be running home. Take care, my friend.  You fly home safely."

Frieda Finch:  "Bye, Quinc!"

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