You're a Bum, You're a punk

So, she was still sleeping when we left this morning, and when we came home, this was our farewell. 

That, and a plate saturated in tomato sauce and the 8 empty glasses from her room. 

But she had tidied her room, and for that we are delighted. 

As for the part at the bottom - I have a potty mouth, and this holiday Tooli has punished me by not responding to me for 45 minutes every time I have had a potty explosion. 

I have no idea how I managed to bring up a child who spells out every mild sweary, and who can silence me with a glance. 

I'm sorry Tooli- I will practise my clean mouth, and will really try hard not to say bad things... to anyone or about anyone. 

Maybe I should get a Sweary Box - You'll get your 10,000 wedding dress really quick if I did that. :-) 


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