fluttering butterfly

By butterfly

Humming birds!!

I try to take a picture almost every day of these beautiful birds for the past three years and I have never been able to. By the time the camera is ready poof the are gone. Today while outside I was getting ready to take a picture of my daughter on the monkey bars I turned and saw the birds! I kept snapping so I was sure to get atleast one picture. I was so excited I ran in to show my mom (she loves humming birds) then went back out on the deck and was able to get two more pictures, this time you can see the coloring of the bird. I am so excited to finally get pictures of my own! and two have two humming birds in them! I am still going to try and take more pictures of them hopefully better ones! I think this is my favorite picture out of all the ones I got today. Here is a link to the other ones

Humming birds!

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