
By Madchickenwoman

Baby Shower - All Go "Ahhhhh!"

What a strangely lovely day! Started with the discovery of my Pleione which I thought had finally died  - few bulbs left and no flowers last spring. But pottering in the garden this morning I spotted a flash of cerise amongst the green leaves of the lemon Balm and there it was - happily flowering! It's a miniature orchid that just sits in its pot, no special treatment, no bringing indoors in the winter. Something has had a nibble - could be an evil vine weevil, or maybe a greedy chicken! Milly knocked off most of the blooms on my Quince yesterday by jumping in it! i was not happy!
Long chat with Vegan Jo this am then chat with friend in the sun - lots of questions, great will to fight on. All answers and decisions would be easier if she knew more accurately the time frame and she has arranged another appointment to ask questions of the consultant. No great surprise to hear the expensive chemo drug he had to request funding for has been denied. But it is about slowing it down, not eradicating it. 
So on to the evening and the baby Shower. Lots of familiar faces and I got lots of hugs!! Would you believe the room opposite was holding a wake for the death of a baby? If the establishment had had the sense to let my friend know she would not have had it on the same evening. 
However it was still good fun - piles of scones, jam, cream, cakes, oh and sandwiches, then the present opening. Oh my word - I have never heard so many and such concurrent "Ahhh-ing!" Each new gift was met with a chorus from the assembled women - the most deafening being the set of socks in various sizes - but all tiny! The next for the onesie which had a suit and bow tie design and a pair of shoes with "Cool, Awesome Little Man" written  on the soles!! Couldn't have been a nicer ending to the day!

P.S. Does this count as  Mono Monday "Water" entry notowennewitt?!!

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