Double Milestone!
Not only is this my 300th photo, but it was taken on the anniversary of my arrival here in Mexico.
And it's all down to the lovely Sandra in the above photo. It's no wonder I travelled half-way round the world. A year on and we were spending time on the beach in a lovely HOTEL (courtesy of photos taken, while Blipping!) in Pie de la Cuesta.
A wonderfully, relaxing 3 nights of just lolling around, eating gorgeous, fresh seafood, sipping on ice cold cocktails and enjoying each other's company away from the hustle and bustle of DF.
By Christ, it was hot though, managed to get nicely toasted on the 1st day, w/a little bit of suntroke thrown in for good measure. Typical Guero!
But fine the next day and thereafter, a super-wide-brimmed was purchased and problem sorted. A fine sight, no doubt.
We even managed a wee spot of kayaking round some Mangrove swamps in a lagoon on the other side of the road from the beach. Though being buffet to many, hungry Mosquitoes was no fun. Neither was the pain in my back from the exertion and the constant rubbing of it against the back of the canoe.
Apart from that it was great, though trying to take photos and change lenses, while canoeing is, maybe, not to be advised.
Really though, it was just the best way to celebrate a year of being together w/my bella Sandra. I look forward to many more such celebrations in the future.
Life is sho'nuff good my friends. Long may it continue.
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