
By sas05

alternative poppy

things keep crunching round in ya mind,, ya know they shouldnt ,,but they do.. no one can undo history..nor can they re write it either..hate it when things gets twisted to their own ends, its no great surprise.. so that what was on my mind this morning reason for early rising and a nice walk through the countryside to clear my head ..bumped into a old work colleague this morning,, havnt seen him in 8 years or so , had a good catch up with him, informed me that one of our colleagues has just come out of hospital after surgery for bowel cancer..mood went downhill again !!! lol... damn cancer. so much of it around. On the very much plus side took some nice piccies this to weston super mud later.. and then 5 days off work ,,jubilee celebrations, kite festival...legoland..kew gardens should come as a welcome releif from yesterday

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