A world of chance

By PrebuiltDave

Smoke me a kipper ill be back for breakfast.

This is what this bird has said to his wifey bird before leaving his house (hole)

I would hate to live in a hole like this but well if you havent got enough money to live in a tree or nest i guess you have to make do!

this is a african sea bird that has come here while africa is in its harshest of winters! He flew over to this country with nothing but 3 british pounds to his name! He now runs one of the busiest chains of AFP ever (African fried pigeon)

But sadly due to the strange weather we have had his customer base had rapidly dropped. His only hope is to now fly all the way back to africa to find his grand fathers money he had left him over 1 million years ago! (they have a great life span these birds)

The only thing is that his grandfather had hid the money some where on our planet and the only clue was "Squawk"

Dennis as i shall call him thinks this clue is talking about one of the pyramids in hidden away in Bolton. so Dennis will be flying their after he has confirmed the clue from his grandfather!

For now Dennis flying over kent area, so if you look up into the sky and see this African sea bird please please show some respect and throw him some bus fair!

To be continued....

Keep on truckin'

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