There and back again

By Mikes

Time untouched

I stood looking out over the Marshwood Vale in West Dorset this morning thinking that this view must have changed very little over the years. It has been a farming community for centuries and these field patterns would have been recognized by those folk and they probable worked on the farms that I could see this morning.

The biggest change would be the mechanization that has taken place and perhaps the crops that now grow in their fields were not known back then. This mornings patterns are made by the ploughing of some fields and other lighter ones are where the first cut of silage has been taken and others are still used for the grazing of animals as they have from time immemorial.

The routes connection these communities are the same lanes that have always been there, some sunken between the fields and the ancient hedgerows but I am sure, that down there, new industries and businesses are taken place who now deal with customers, in this world of internet communication, all over the world.

But long may this view be here so that others may still be able to stand here and stare and refresh their lives in this hectic, and at times horrid, world in which we are living.

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