
By snailspace

Tied Up

Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday.

Feeling much improved today - my voice came back halfway through the day yesterday. It seems to be a very rapidly-moving virus. Just waiting now to see if the almost inevitable chest infection ensues.

Given that the use of my legs has been returned to me and that my head is no longer swimming, I wrapped up warmly and set out into the garden to see if I could capture any post-rain water droplets for a Get Pushed challenge that I am doing.

It's funny but even after nine years living here I can still find details on the Windswept Acre that have never been noticed before. Today I saw this wet multi-coloured plastic twine sparkling in the sun between showers. I liked the way that the lichen is growing into it, and the textures in the old wooden fencepost. The focus isn't quite right in any of the 6 frames that I shot so I may well go out and try this again another day.

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