
By samschneider523

Seniors that went on the Washington D.C. trip, there were more seniors that went but this was our group that mostly stuck together. When we arrived in D.C. it wasnt raining but it wasnt sunny outisde. It wasnt cold either, the weather was pretty good. To start off the day we went to different memorials like the Washington and Lincold memorial. A little later in the afternoon we split up into our groups and my group and two others went to the Holocaust muesum. It was touching and interesting to read about the different things that had happened. After that we all met up on the bus and headed home. We stopped to eat on the way home we parked in the McDonalds parking lot, we could either eat and McDonalds, KFC, Taco Bell or get something from Weis. A few of us went to Taco Bell then went to Weis to get a drink and little snack for the bus ride home. All in all in was a good trip, a lot of walking but it was well worth it.

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