
By Lexialex5


As you already know, this is my niece Izzy. This week, i'm watching her as my sister and brother in law have work. My sister is going to Louisiana for work training until friday... Since Elise has school, my gram was watching her aswell. When i came home from school, Izzy was laying on her mini pull out foam couch with her head laying on her huge stuffed bunny, covering up with her frozen blanket. Since my mom didnt get much sleep from the time she got home from work to the time i got home from school, she decided to take a nap on the couch as Izzy was asleep, since i was up (in the event that she would indeed wake up). 
before my mom fell asleep, Izzy woke up, sat up, stared at me, picked her nose, fell over and fell asleep. It was so weird. But not as weird as the fact that when she actually woke up and got 2 inches away from mom moms face and whispered "wake up." My mom jumped back and shreiked... It was the funniest thing i've seen in awhile. Honestly, i couldnt stop laughing. Not only that, but she also kept calling my mom, "mom" and she'd say "mom i want to go home."
I could understand the confusion, my mom and my sister look very much alike, but it was cute. This is a picture taken before she scared my mom to death. 

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