Buchanan Street Bus Station

where a very kind lady gave me thirty pence outside the ladies loo. I needed thirty pence in 10s or 20s but couldn't find another 10. I was doing some sort of mental war dance because I had two tens and two five pence coins and cursing the gods of loos in bus stations for charging this amount to poor defenceless travellers when this very kind woman asked if I needed change, handed over .30p and disappeared. I could have cried, what a kind and thoughtful act.

A good journey by ferry and bus to Edinburgh for a girly weekend. The five of us attended school in the 60's and one way and another have kept in touch, making more effort in recent years to meet. All very exciting, I arrived a day early just in case the ferries had an off day tomorrow. It was cold and wet at times but by this afternoon it turned warm and sunny. Fingers crossed for the weekend.

From the Internet
These bronze lovers are a familiar sight in the middle of the station. Sculpted by the appropriately-named John Clinch, they were unveiled in 1995, and show a dungaree-clad man embracing a mini-skirted woman.

At the man’s feet is an overnight bag with a copy of the Evening Times protruding. The name, Wincher’s Stance, was selected after a competition in the Evening Times.

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