
By CharlotteJ

I love this tree!

Root treatment went as well as these things do!  Mr Rough was not so rough, phew.   He was actually quite kind and caring this time.  We started at 2:20 and at 4:36 I was allowed to leave but not before he made sure I was OK and didn't feel faint!!  The time went quite quick and dare I say, I might have nodded off(!!!!).  He actually turned up Classic FM a little when I told him I love classical music and Classic FM.

I go back in a week for and hours apt when the crown prep work will happen.  He told me I might be a bit sore tomorrow, so I am armed with painkillers as I am off to London for my studies.

Comments are sparse - sorry, thank you for dropping in over my crazy week.

Much love


PS my fave tree is in bloom...I couldn't resit it tonight!

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