
By Madchickenwoman


Well todays walk didn’t turn out as planned but maybe was all the better for it! Friend, Party Girl and Homeopath all arrived at mine when friend got a call she had been waiting for – which then involved tracking down of an item from ebay – which proved more problematic than expected. So by the time we left it was nearly midday so we went straight for food – but the first place had virtually nothing vegetarian so after a drink we set off to another place! Success! Sat in the sunshine looking out over the moors and ate our food and caught up on village gossip – Bike Festival has now grown into such a big event, with nonstop music that rattles the windows in their frames for those living in the village not up on the hill like me!!
After lunch we all went our separate ways – Friend to visit her dad, homeopath to visit her mum and Party Girl to go help her partner do the major ebay/ Amazon packaging and posting from todays sold items! 
I decided I would do the walk as planned, not up to where the two rivers meet, but just along the River Walkham. It was ideal! Water, sunshine, peace and quiet, occasional dog! I sat with my back against a tree and just watched the water falling over the stones and listened to the birds. I am tired beyond belief – one day was nowhere near enough “me time” – friends situation has dominated my life since October, with only a few weeks off here and there due to family commitments on both sides. I am feeling overwhelmed and need to step back before the chemo starts again or I won’t be in a fit state to support her through it. So early night as tomorrow is going to be full on with the visit to the consultant and probing questions from friend, who is going to have to judge just how much probing she actually wants to do – only ask questions if you are prepared for the answer not being what you want to hear. 

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