The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Springtime in Stroud New Cemetery

In honour of my sister TML's blip of last October, entitled Springtime at the Mental Hospital, I bring you Springtime in the Cemetery.

When we were both children in Ireland, we had a cherry blossom tree in the garden. It was good for climbing; for tying younger people to with the aid of a skipping rope; but in spring it came into its own, when we played in the 'snow' from the fallen blossoms, and threw them in the air, watching them settle once again into a pale pink pile.

In my school grounds there are several such trees, but I noticed today that the blooms are nearly over. So I made a point of taking the bus home this evening, so that I could walk through the cemteries, old and new, to spot the blooms. The same was true there. Almost gone. But I spotted these blossoms still in bud, and ended up with a shot that is not as sharp as I would like, with a cropped leaf. What I do like is that it shows the cemetery, but not in a Gothic way, and that the branches of one of my favourite trees are in shot.

Parents' afternoon tomorrow. My first one.

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