Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Fishy, no dishy

I've waited all day for the rain to stop. But it hasn't. Therefore todays Blip is of a wall ornament 4 feet in diameter from TK Max! I've only ever seen the one on sale in TK Max though Mrs B would like another to keep this one happy. It's quite a pretty piece and I recall seeing them on sale in the 'arty grand design' shops for ten times what we paid for it!

Mrs B made me assemble a garden seat today as the rain has stopped her gardening and this set me thinking about writing a poem about my day changing because of things beyond my control - including Mrs B.

I notice that it seems to be fashionable to write poetry to accompany some Blips so I thought I'd give it a go. I've only ever written two poems, the first one was obscene and was scribbled on the back of a road sign on the A614/A1 near Retford. I'd waited a couple of hours for a lift down to the A6097/A46 and had nothing better to do. It involved someone called Kilroy.

My second poem...

My day has not gone to plan, it rained.
So I re-planned.
She re-planned too and I built a seat. For the garden.

It's in the hall, at present though and through the door I hope it will fit.
A table for two with a seat each side for my wife, hang on she's not that wide.
I've been allocated one.

I'm now back on my first plan albeit four hours late,
To watch Levenson on the TV but I forgot about it,
She says she told me but I don't recall. Levenesia?
So I'm doing my Blip.

That's it.

I think my first poem was better.

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