
By analogconvert13

Immense Power. Leitz Summicron 50mm DR

I dropped the Honda off at my mechanic this morning for its third catalytic converter...  Outside, they were digging up the street to lay new sewer pipes.  They had this bad boy to dig the trench, a huge dump truck to put the earth in while they installed the segments of pipe, and a front end loader to push the great piles of earth back into the trench afterwards.  It's all mechanized and the guys who operate these behemoths can finesse their huge hydraulic arms to nudge pipes that must weigh tons like they were just doing it with their hands, AND not snag all the the overhead power cables.  It was really quite remarkable to watch their skill at work.  Unfortunately, the light was not on my side and I was bit intimidated by the cops standing around, so I didn't dally long.

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