Sweet Baby Cole

By colet

Pool Time

Cole and I took our first swimming lesson together today. My mom took me to swim lessons when I was younger than Cole, which was incentive for me to get my little guy in the pool as soon as possible. I've always loved swimming and was on the swim team from ages 5-16. I have many fond memories of post-swim meet parties and spending all summer at the pool. Fingers crossed that Cole likes it, too! He took to the water really well. today. He was very inquisitive and did a lot of looking around to see what this whole "pool thing" was all about. I did the trick where I blew in his face so he would take a breath, then gently let his face go under. He was definitely surprised, but no tears were shed so I consider it a success! We sang several songs during the class and did corresponding movements in the water. For instance, we sang Pop Goes the Weasel and every time we said "pop," we popped the babes up out of the water. There were about 8 babies ranging in age from 5 months to 19 months. It was quite fun to witness these little ones learning this new activity together. 

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