First Iris
It feels a bit late to me, but probably isn't. The rest will come out in a flood of colour over the next two weeks, and then just be a big mess of leaves and impossible weeding for the 50 weeks after that... Still worth it though.
Busy gardening day, with a hundred (not quite) tomato plants planted and, at Mr B's request, a couple of aubergines as well. I have grown them before, but not very successfully. I will try harder. TallGirl, rather surprisingly, helped with the planting, digging, weeding and watering. Meanwhile CarbBoy and pals ran around howling like savages at our neighbour's birthday party.
In the evening, the never-ending potting on of seedlings continued with (more) tomatoes. Not sure where they will all go...
A new eating regime has been put in place since it seems the long cold winter has left me a little more upholstered than I am happy with. So I made a huge pot of tomato and chick pea stew to eat for the rest of the week. I will gloss over the chorizo fried potatoes it was served with tonight. And the fact that having made such a huge effort (no meals today consisted of a pot of tea and half a packet of chocolate digestives, which is a big step forward...) I rewarded myself with a glass of wine... and a chocolate... and then another chocolate. Actually, let's just gloss over the whole last few hours of the day. I was ironing, so that must count as exercise.
Can't imagine why diets never work for me...
Still deaf. Still grumpy.
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