Thirty-Three Years & Counting

Day Thirty-Three

I must have missed a couple through being away at sea but I cannot remember when.
Since 1982 I have been to Twickenham to watch the Armyv Navy Rugby Match virtually every year.
I have seen the crowd grow from 2,500 to 84,000 over those years, more and more 'civilians' attending has not 'dented' the carnival atmosphere. The Twickenham officials will tell you that the alcohol consumption on the day is almost twice that of any other day, including international days.
The police presence has doubled over the years, I guess there must be around 100 of them duty on the day, compare that to a premier league football match with less than half of those spectators.
The sun always shines, I'm with my brother and other family and friends and it's always a great day.

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