
By lucia13

I told you to go away!

This little blue tit was getting on my nerves today. Maybe he lost the patience with me but I was losing my too.  I was there 2 hours in the morning and one and half in the afternoon and I miss a few opportunities. The first I prepared my tripod in front of his house and I sat waiting  in one corner when I saw him I went to run to my camera and waited a few seconds to shoot him but was to my surprise that I didn't put my card back the last time a checked it in my computer. Second opportunity I was almost there when all the flowers I put around to make it more colourful flowing away with the wind just in the best moment so I missed him.  The third opportunity  was that the stick I used to put the notice had blown away so I stuck it better in this stick.
At least I got this one only flying  away affter one hour waiting . I thought he wanted to attack me. I think I will leave him alone for a few days.
Anyway my husband  thinks that I am crazy and  maybe he is right  this bird is making me a little mad hehe !
Thanks  a lot for the comments stars and hearts for my shot of yesterday. Hope you are smiling and have a nice day .

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