A Sunny Day

While Squirrel was at gymnastics The Cygnet and I took PD for a nice (if chilly) walk at the other end of the local 'trail' ...... past the broken gate to nowhere and the cleaned up pond.
Two of the totem poles have lost their tops (due to rot) and the third is almost hidden under moss and fallen trees having collapsed some time ago.
There are nice new steps and a handrail on what used to be the hardest, muddiest part of the trail which is nice.
It didn't stop PD going for a swim in the deepest part of the river which meant we had a lovely wet, smelly dog in the back of the car until we dropped him off back at the house.

After that we went for coffee at the garden centre with Chicken Lady (was 'lost' one of them last night....her paramedic skills just weren't up to it this time).
She was telling us how things are going now she is part of the team on the helicopter air ambulance.
After coffee and cake (and a quick play on the slide for the kids) it was back to Chicken Lady's house for another coffee where the other usual suspect had turned up (she couldn't find us in the café).

Afternoon saw us taking the monsters on their bikes to the play park where Squirrel spent her time climbing up the slide before hurtling down again.
You wouldn't believe she was only about 3' away when this one was taken.
It can be very dangerous using a fisheye lens you know.

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