View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Kinlochbervie Harbour

A visit to KLB this morning. Back home and after lunch potted up a couple of new plants I bought and then out into the garden to do some more weeding. Replanted some more plants on another bit and added some compost to them then I stood on the rake and it popped up and hit me on the forehead and nearly knocked me out. Made my way up to the house with my hand on my forehead but then I took it away and it was covered in blood. TC had gone up to Scourie so I was on my own so I sat in the chair and phoned the shop but he wasn't there so left a message. By the time he had come back it had almost stopped bleeding but I had a very sore head. It has settled now and headache has gone but I am going to have a big bruise tomorrow. Incidently the rake was lying with the prongs down but lying at a angle on the steps. I thought it was in a safe position.
Beautiful sunny day. 

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