The Place

T and I had a lovely day today. We were up earlyish, then headed to Sainsburys and the food market to get T's groceries. We came home and ate lunch, then decided to take the bus to Waterloo to go and have a look along Southbank.

I first passed this boat, Tamesis Dock, back in January with T. Over the last few months I've got my bearings a little in regard to the geography of London, and it's of significant meaning to me. For this is the place where guy-friend's (ill-fated for me) birthday boat party was held back in July. I really only had sketchy memories of the actual surroundings that night, but seeing it in colour in the January sun took me right back there. 

Where the little orange gate is, is where guy-friend and I had our bust up, that had perhaps been a long time coming, where he decided to completely erase me from his life. In a strange way, I would still do anything to change the events of that night. I lost a friend. But in some ways, it had to happen, and we couldn't have continued the way things were. It's just so weird looking at the boat on the journey past the river. It's funny how certain things still trouble you, or bring back memories.

So I shall continue (trying) to move forwards. I think of him less, and I'm sure over time that will decrease further. It sure takes time to heal a broken heart, but I think the gap is closing, albeit slowly ;-)

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