
By TBay

In a hurry!

I tried to blip this before I left the house in a huge rush with Mr TBay politely enquiring if I was ready yet!! I had a number of tasks I had to get done today and I seemed to be running late on all of them. This then resulted in cutting my 'getting ready to go out time' to a bare minimum!! At least I knew what I wanted to wear, as if I had been dithering about that we would never have got to the YFC Dinner and Dance on time! I did say to Mr TBay that as it was a YFC event they would all be late, and guess what I was right. We were almost the first to get there!

Farming - Two on compost, Rusty on power harrowing, Mr TBay Jnr and Mr Tbay carpark constructing. And a bit of strimming and mowing on the side!

Rusty took his new lady Miss D to the Dinner and Dance. She is very pretty and very nice! Apparently she had ridden in his tractor too!! This must be love!

It's 1:56 am and I had to back blip this as the Internet decided to have a go slow just as I needed to blip it!! Happy weekend blippers!

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