
By TrudievA

UT Austin, Texas

Today oldest and I spent a day on campus at UT Austin, TX. He's accepted at the Cockrell School of Engineering, but is undecided if he wants to go there. Another option would be Embry-Riddle in Daytona, Florida. He has about 2 more weeks to make a decision, so the deadline is coming up.
UT's campus is beautiful, but it's also huge. We got a good exercise walking around. Other than that, I really don't know what to say about it. I was not impressed by the presentations, although I tried really hard. I'm sure it's a fabulous university with an outstanding ranking in the nation, but I'm not sure if it would be the best school for oldest.

On our way back it was the same weather as yesterday; rain, rain and some more rain and thunderstorms as added bonus. It was really tiring driving home and it took us about 3,5 hours. Luckily there was no flooding this time. Looking at the weather website, we'll get a whole week of rain and thunderstorms. 

If you want to know more about the tower, you can find the information here.

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