
By jonathan_fisher

Survival Singaporean style

6 am and I am leaving my house ( not pleasant on a Saturday morning) heading for adventure.  After grabbing a quick McDonald's breakfast, I found my way to Woodlands MRT station.  Here I met the group all 26 people.  We boarded a coach and made our way to Endau Rompin national park in Malaysia.  After a 3hr long coach journey which included a 10:30 am lunch stop and a quick beer purchase we moved on to 4 x 4s for the jungle roads.  We arrived at around 1 pm and set up camp.  The small group of us who had made friends helped a number of the Singaporeans put up the tents and then we had to start our survival training.   First up was fire building.  We found the necessary wood and set up the fire.  We lit the fire with the cotton wool and a store bought flint.  All very natural and likely to be found in a survival situation.  We were then given a dead but feathered chicken and told to go and clean it in the river.  After a quick wash of the bird and putting it on the fire so that we could get the feathers and inside parts off.  Me and Terry went to find Bamboo.  Terry it turns out despite his confidence is not the best bamboo finder.  he found a lot of spikey trees.  he then thought he spied bamboo on the other side of the river so we dressed down to our boxers and crossed armed with a machete.  We climbed the muddy banks and wandered round the jungle in our underwear and managed to find no bamboo.  We cut down a small tree to make it look like we had found something.  We then cooked chicken in the bamboo that some others had found 100m walk from camp.  We cooked the chicken and rice which luckily the cooks had also cooked a lot of other food.  We had a short night hike and kept the fire going.  Then after some more beers and rum we slept outside on our survival pillows.

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