Sheep Grazing Area, Willemstad

Shot on my way home.  What's behind the trees in the background?  Water.  As I've mentioned before, Willemstad is a fort, and it was expressly built on this spot so that the river traffic, which was extensive even hundreds of years ago, could be checked, monitored and taxed.

I don't always shoot what is close to home because I keep telling myself it's a lot more accessible for days when I have no time to explore elsewhere.  Sometimes, though, it's a matter of taking advantage of the weather.  Not that the forecast is bad for next week; quite the opposite, in fact.  Looking at the scene, though, I thought the cloud formation was just perfect.  The dike on which the road was built is quite narrow so I had to park on a small patch next to the fence, barely large enough for a shepherd to stand as he watches his flock cross the road.

The day was all about the bookkeeping.  Organized the Manchester expenses and went to school just to submit my expense declaration, receipts and all.  If there's anything to be thankful for right now, it's the cookies that store the relevant info (your name, bla bla) so that you don't have to repeat everything.  Printed out the exam key I needed as well.  Before Rotterdam, managed to pass by Roosendaal and mail my fairy goddaughter a gift transfer.  It turns out she's now on holiday with boyfriend and son somewhere in Cebu/Bohol and oh my!  "Thank you, Ninang Ellaphant, for the gift!", which made my day.

I have been quite remiss with comments.  It's just that either I need to focus to get something done (I've discovered that getting easily distracted is as much a part of growing older as it is of childhood ... and maybe that large exciting  phase in-between as well?) or need to catch up on my rest.  I do take a peek regularly, though, and leave stars and hearts ... as a distraction.

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