Calming down

This is the maniac last week of school year. But it's almost done now, today was the last night of the school musical and then it's only till Saturday and the girls are off. I'm so looking forward to the more peaceful weeks when almost all their winter time activities are on break.


Just a note a forgot to write down yesterday.

I walked over to my neighbor to tell that we borrowed their old apple trees for photo shoots the other night after they had left. I had never been in as usually we just chat over the garden fence. The door was open and I heard noise so I knew someone was in. Instead of walking right in I knocked a few times saying my hello's in a loud voice. After a while I walked further in and met the old lady who asked, confused, "Are you alive?" "Oh yes, I am alive" I smiled, and explained what I was up to, telling her how pretty the trees are now. She was delighted, went to get her dentures making it easier for her to speak and gave me a shiny smile: "You go ahead and take nice pictures as much as you like. I took portraits of my boys under those trees when they were young."
The "boys" are now retired and herself over ninety.

After chatting about the charming old garden I was about to leave as my five year old was alone at home. "No no, don't go. Come in, please, I'll show you around." And in we walked and she showed me the three rooms of the little house where "the boys" grew up, each room having a good amount of decorative items from the past years, like a shelf full of dolls in national costumes and so on. Family memories.

When I walked back to our side, part of her friendliness stored in me, I thought I have to remember to find a place where to plant another apple tree.


Good night & take care.

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